How to connect an institution in Wealthica?
To connect an institution in your Wealthica account, please go to +Add section in the top right corner:
From the list, you can select the category where your institution is located (for Banks and Investment institutions select Banks & Brokerages, for your exchanges and wallets select Crypto & Wallets):
In the desired category, you can search and find your institution:
Most of the supported institutions will ask for your credentials to connect it. Some (like Wealthsimple, Questrade, IB..) are API-based and won't ask for credentials. If specific instructions are needed when connecting the institution, you will see a link with the steps above the credential fields.
When you enter your credentials or establish a connection, your institution will be successfully connected in Wealthica!
Please note that some institutions require frequent verification and new 2FA codes due to their security practices. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do here, as it's coming from their side, but we are always working on making connections stick longer. If you experience any specific issue with an institution, please let us know!
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